Sunday, March 8, 2009

Unit 5


When answering the tasks here please refer to any experience you have had in the classroom, or experiences you have noted while observing another teacher.

Task 1 –How can a teacher use his/her physical presence and voice in the classroom?

Eye contact
Eye contact is important because it helps to maintain focus in the classroom. With younger students I assume that eye contact helps to prevent them from drifting off whereas older students would contribute more if they feel as though they are being noticed.
It is important not to make eye contact for too long or too short as the students will not be comfortable with either. Little eye contact should be used during student focused activities.

I believe that gesture is somewhat a subliminal means of conveying a message. Good body language is very important in communication especially if the language spoken in the classroom is not universal between teacher and student, such as teaching English overseas. Gesture can be used for indicating mistakes, organizing students, praising a student or almost any common classroom occurrence.

We use our voice as the most defined method of communication therefore it is imperative to use the correct volume, clarity and variety in order for our instructions to be understood.

Task 2 – What’s the best seating arrangement for a class? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various seating plans?

Orderly rows
Orderly rows are most often the best seating arrangement, especially when the class is 25 people or larger. The teacher has the ability to move around the classroom quite well whilst all the students can continually focus on the teacher.

Circles and horseshoes
Often practical in a small working environment, it’s a good way for the teacher to have a less dominating approach and each student is positioned equally however I believe shyer students may not find this method as beneficial.

Separate tables
Very useful arrangement for group work and offers an informal environment to the class however the teacher will find it difficult to maintain eye contact and students may not feel part of the class causing them to become distracted.

Task 3 – List the different student groupings that a teacher can use and give advantages and disadvantages for each:

Whole-class grouping
Pros: Sense of belonging
Student interaction
Quick and easy organization
Teacher has the attention of the class as a whole
A question of one student may answer the question of another too afraid to ask
Cons: Less opportunity for students to speak
Off-putting for shy students to participate in front of the class
Students may find it easy to hide and not do work or participate

Students on their own
Pros: Allows teachers to provide individual attention
Less stress for students to perform
Student becomes more self-reliant
Cons: Low opportunity for student to student interaction or group work
Students working at their own pace may fall behind

Pair work
Pros: Increases student to student talking time and interaction
Teacher can work with pairs while other students remain working
Student can experiment before trying ideas in front of the class
Students can share ideas and thoughts
Stronger students can help the weaker ones
Students can share work responsibility
Quick and easy to organize
Cons: Can be noisy
Students may use native language
Some students don’t like student interaction
Students may not like their partner
One student may dominate to take credit

Group work
Pros: Can increase student interaction and student talking time
Less personal issues
Students encouraged to speak English
Students can choose their level of participation
Ideas can be shared
Cons: Can be very noisy
Hard to control
Exchanges of ideas can slow activities down
Some students will dominate over others

Task 4 – How can the teacher make sure all students are equally involved in the lesson and give individual attention?

Get to know all students names, not just some
Keep all students occupied even when attending to others
Don’t teach exclusively to certain students
Don’t ask questions to students in order, it’s very predictable
Do not allow students to hog all of your attention
Include students evenly in all activities
Do not pick on students who do not want to be included, ask them easy questions and praise their answers

Task 5 – When is teacher talking time important?

To explain the class outline at the beginning of the lesson
Verifying correct comprehension of the English language
Presenting, modeling, clarifying or checking
Providing language input
Establishing rapport

Task 6 – How can the teacher reduce unnecessary teacher talking time?

Carefully choose the language for explanations and instructions
Avoid TEFL jargon
Use correct body language
Don’t over-elaborate
Use language that is below the level being taught
Keep it simple

Task 7 – How can the teacher ensure instructions are clear?

Simple language, lower than the students current level of understanding
Consistency with language
Visual clues with demonstrations and examples
Verify students understand the instructions

Task 8 – What can the teacher do to help establish rapport with the students?

Seat students appropriately and ensure they’re familiar with each other
Open the course with an ice breaking activity
Use correct teaching material
Lots of pair and group work, change them often so students have more variety
Allow students to help and correct each other
Make certain all students have equal input
Give clear instructions and show enthusiasm
Be positive and show personal interest
Personalize activities to students’ surroundings
Ask for feedback from the students

Task 9 – List some of the reasons for problem behavior in the classroom. How can/should the teacher prevent it? How can the teacher deal with problem behavior should it arise?

Reasons for problem behavior
Family problems
Low self-esteem
Peer pressure
Lack of respect
Class size
Teacher not showing authority

Preventing problem behavior
Be punctual and well prepared
Be fair, un-biased and professional
Do not make empty threats
Return homework promptly
Do not lose your temper
Show the students the same respect you expect from them
Keep the lessons interesting and varied
Show enthusiasm and establish rapport

Responding to problem behavior
Act immediately
Focus on the behavior and not the student
Alternate classroom dynamic and remain calm
Reprimand student after class in private
Don’t make empty threats or threats outside of the schools disciplinary code
Learn from colleagues
Don’t go over the top


  1. adam tnx for the tips

  2. Hey Adam,
    Thank you for this great website.
    I need your help in assignment

  3. I,m stuck on module 5 Tefl can you please advise?
