Monday, March 9, 2009

Unit 17


Task 1 – How can the teacher use the board to maximum effect?

Plan on paper beforehand
Start with a clean board
Write neatly
Use correct tool
Keep board clear and easy to read
Section off the board
Use different colours for different things
Write with the appropriate sized text
Only put essential information on the board
Erase what is no longer needed
Involve students in the writing process
Clean the board at the end of the lesson

Task 2 – Imagine you have a video or DVD containing several scenes or comedy sketches. You wish to use part of the third sketch in an intermediate lesson tomorrow.

a) Give an overview of the video you have in mind, and your reasons for choosing it.

Our video would be very easy to interpret as the actors would use a lot of props, it should also be something very funny for the students. There would be some interesting dialogue for students to analyze.

b) Explain what you would do in preparation for the lesson and how you would use the excerpt:

To prepare for the lesson we would insure that the classroom is fitted with a television or a projector, possibly even display the excerpt on a computer if the first two options aren’t available. We would use the excerpt as a basis for the lesson.

c) Give the lesson plan you would use:
We would play the excerpt during the engage stage and ask the students a couple of questions about it to get them involved.
In the study stage students would be required to answer exercises such as fill the gaps, find the missing words and also to answer questions relating to the excerpt (i.e what colour was Harry’s hat?).
Finally in the activate stage students should pair-up and write their own sketch followed by acting it out in front of the class.

Task 3 – Describe how you would use the following pieces of equipment and aids in the classroom:

We would use an OHP to display overhead transparencies or as an alternative to a whiteboard or possibly even used as a television (depending on which sort of projector). An OHP would also be very useful if the students don’t have textbooks as they can read projected material.

Visual aids could be used to help students comprehend the material and also encourage involvement because classes without visuals would be boring and repetitive. We would bring to class newspapers and magazines on a regular basis (if students were at the correct level).

We believe that worksheets are essential to the study stage. We would write our own often tailored to the students needs with questions relating to the engage stage. For general exercises or common role-play we would look for material on the internet or in course books.

d)Cassette recorder
We would use a cassette recorder for playing recorded radio dialogue to the class or to practice ‘overlearning’ techniques where the same statement is repeated until students can say it with the correct pronunciation.

e)Video camera
Our main use for a video camera would be to record role-play activities then play it back to the class or group involved in the role-play whilst highlighting their errors as it plays.

Computers have virtually limitless functionality but ideally we would use one to access tefl material such as worksheets, exercises, lesson plans or to print documents and to store information such as notes of student progression or even wire one up to a projector or TV to play different media. Other uses would be for email (a great way to answer students’ questions) and word processing.

We would use a dictionary to access phonemic pronunciation symbols, to check for correct spelling of difficult words and to obtain word definitions.

h)Course book
A great tool for proven material, we would use it for mainly for exercises or grammar and vocabulary work

i)Resource book
We would use a resource book to seek out ideas to be used in the classroom, such as games which are proven to engage the class.

The main use would be to photocopy class material

Task 4 – If you could have only five items of equipment from Task 3 available, which five would you choose? Give reasons for your choices.

We believe a computer can do most of the things on this list by itself, such as printing out resource ideas, accessing an online dictionary (, recording sounds and video or writing worksheets.

Very handy to present material to the entire class, this will save us from having to photocopy everything or to get the attention of students during the engage stage.

Course book
A course book is necessary because students can take it home with them and if they wish, study from home. Also they are well proven and very well targeted at the correct student level.

Photocopiers are useful as they copy material for an entire class very quickly as opposed to using a computer with a scanner.

Visuals are absolutely essential for any class, Neil & I have both had bad teachers throughout the years and one of the most noticeable features of bad teaching is their lack of enthusiasm to teach anything which doesn’t follow a boring, repetitive ‘by-the-book’ structure in each and every class.

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