Sunday, March 8, 2009

Unit 2


Task 1 - Write 5 examples of each of the following:

Noun – 5 countable
Dog, bike, table, desk, pen

– 5 uncountable
Water, news, luggage, information, rice

Brown, old, pretty, coarse, comfortable

Properly, here, later, immense, often

Whilst, between, underneath, through, up

Play, run, hide, care, like

Which, its, theirs, ours, yours

I would like to see, want to be, time to leave, told me not to clean, to eat

Playing, running, jumping, driving, crawling

Comparative adjective
Mike is older than Michelle, Geoff is hungrier than Tom, Jane is faster than Alex, Sam is newer than Alicia, Paul is more casual than Luke

Superlative adjective
Mike is oldest, Geoff is hungriest, Jane is fastest, Sam is newest, Paul is tallest

A, an, the, to, by

and, but, when, neither, until

Task 2 – Identify the parts of speech in the following sentence:

I usually go swimming with my best friend and his rather unusual girlfriend.

a) I - Pronoun

b) usually - Adverb

c) go - Verb

d) swimming - Gerund

e) with - Conjunction

f) my - Pronoun

g) best - Superlative adjective

h) friend - Noun

i) and - Conjunction

j) his - Pronoun

k) rather - Conjunction

l) unusual - Adjective

m) girlfriend - Noun

Task 3 – State the differences between the following, and give an example of each:

a) Adjectives and adverbs
Adjectives describe how something ‘is’ whereas adverbs add definitive information to the sentence.
e.g. ‘I always(adjective) drive my red(adverb) car’

b) Nouns and pronouns
A noun names items whereas pronouns can be used to group nouns.
We always play basketball
e.g. ‘We(pronoun) are going to play basketball(noun)’

Task 4 – Explain what the following are, and give an example of each:

a) Conjunctions –
Adjoins or extends sentences
e.g. ‘I’m not going to work until(conjunction) I’m ready’

b) Gerunds –
A verb being used as a subject or object
e.g. ‘They were running(gerund) to make the bus on time’

c) Verbs –
Form a sentence with actions or states
e.g. ‘I’m going to climb(verb) that tree’

d) Comparative adjectives –
Adjective used to compare two nouns
e.g. ‘Computer A is faster(comparative adjective) than computer B’

e) Prepositions -
Relationship between noun and/or pronoun
e.g. ‘They traveled from(preposition) London to New York’

f) Superlative adjectives –
Comparison of one subject over all others
e.g. ‘Shelly was the smartest(superlative adjective) in her class’

Task 5 – Give a brief explanation of the functions of articles, with examples:

Articles are split into two groups, definite and indefinite.

Indefinites are used to define a type of subject.
e.g. ‘A cheetah can run fast but an eagle can fly’.

Definite ‘The’ is used to define a particular subject.
e.g. ‘The cheetah couldn’t outrun the eagle’


  1. HIS in this case is not a pronoun man!!!!

  2. hi adam, i am just about to take an exam from online TEFL course. is the exam similar as the questions on worksheets?
